re: WWW Servers Bandwidth flood on Internet

Rikhardur Egilsson (
Wed, 18 Jan 1995 11:46:02 +0000 (GMT)

--- Forwarded mail from Ed Goldgehn <edg@OCN.Com>

It appears that Linux(tm) also has this bug.

The following is from /usr/adm/messages :

Dec 28 11:53:04 cray wu.ftpd[2730]: connect from
Dec 28 11:53:04 cray ftpd[2730]: USER anonymous
Dec 28 11:53:05 cray ftpd[2730]: PASS
Dec 28 11:53:06 cray ftpd[2730]: SYST
Dec 28 11:53:06 cray ftpd[2730]: PASV  <==Badly configured client!!!
Dec 28 11:53:06 cray ftpd[2730]: FTP session closed

And the output of 'netstat' some 72 hours later :

Active Internet connections
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address        Foreign Address         (State) User
tcp        1      1  CLOSE   root

There actually were 7 'pairs' of this kind from this host, and 2 from another

'cray' continued to send packets on a 15 seconds interval and helt open the
clients dial-on-demand router.

'cray' actually is a 386-16MHz. :)

| Rikhardur Egilsson    | I come from the land of Ice and snow  | 
|    | with the midnight sun and where the   |
| TF3RET                |          hot streams flow.            |